Stay hydrated

By Time To Go - 23/09/2022 01:30

Today, my kid has severe diarrhoea. My husband said he was going out to get medicine. Two long, painful hours later, I find he's out eating and chilling with his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 135
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see your husband and my ex-wife went to the same school of being a dipshit parent.

Maybe they had some but he used it and didn't bring replacement? A kid is suffering and an adult who could help goes chilling with friends – how does anyone deserve that?


I see your husband and my ex-wife went to the same school of being a dipshit parent.

If the medicine is just pepto YDI, you really need to keep basic OTC stuff like that on hand.

Maybe they had some but he used it and didn't bring replacement? A kid is suffering and an adult who could help goes chilling with friends – how does anyone deserve that?

Seems like the real pandemic here is Bad Spelling. "Pregnat?" "Diarrhoea?" Oh, the idiosea!

“Diarrhoea” is an accepted alternative spelling.

In her defense, she only misspelled diorheea and that word is a pain in the ass for anyone to spell. Bwahahaha!

Change locks, keep him outside, consider taking a break, distancing, send him back to his parents. This is beyond disrespectful towards you and the child and I would divorce with full custody on a heartbeat. Imagine if it be a little bit more serious and he took the car and drove for medicine that is urgently needed. By the time he decides to return child can be heavily dehydrated, passing out, what if you need the car to take Sick child to hospital while he is getting away from sickness to chill with mates. If I could I would sue this man for becoming a dad, endangering life, abandonment. I would not be able to let this stranger in my house, let alone share a bed, or trust to fall asleep next to him. But then again you said My Child, so maybe the husband isn't biological dad, then he is still an a-hole but responsibility lies on you if he hasn't adopted him. If it is both of your kid, and you're both legal parents then FyourKidsLife

As a single mom with my son as the light of my life that I live for, I agree with you. And sounds like it would be an unnecessary struggle and hardship to try to take a sick child to the store, or even worse, he took your only vehicle. Also, I would absolutely lose it, because thinking help is on the way while watching your child suffer, only to find out the opposite! Wow! I no honestly can't imagine! Idk if there are extenuating circumstances, but not sure if this is would mean divorce... that seems so extreme. But then again this sounds like a Horrible person and parent, so you might be right. Out with him!!! Some people!!!!