By milked - 27/02/2015 05:28 - United States

Today, as I was about to have sex with my husband, I said I wanted to "spice things up." Apparently, our ideas weren't the same. He yanked my nipples as hard as he could and said, "Yeah, you like that?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 414
You deserved it 6 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

B1ackthesun 31

Maybe it's just me but if you didn't specify what you meant by 'spice things up' then you deserve it. You can't give vague descriptions like that and expect them to get it right. For some nipple yanking is the best.... For you not so much, but if you didn't tell your partner what you had in mind then you can't blame them for not knowing.


Garnetshaddow 30

I'm going to go with that sucks. There's a lot of very unrealistic shit in ****. I do hope however that the important lesson here about communication was well learned.

Im with #16. YDI. You should have state how do you wanted to spice it up.

Should've done the same to him in return

Give it a little spank next time... Jesus, y'all need a safe word.

That's it. I'm done with this ******* website.

Jajajaja no way, it's better than having a red hand mark on your butt

that's not even a fair comparison, a red hand print is actually good, yanking on nipples is not...