By Failed Parent - 11/10/2012 06:59 - United States
Same thing different taste
By sadmommy - 23/04/2012 22:51 - United States - Keller
By diddlebuag - 27/05/2011 22:09 - United States
By don'tdrinkthat - 03/11/2013 22:27 - United States - Quincy
What happened?
By ....ew - 05/04/2024 09:00 - United States
By Ramis182 - 03/10/2011 04:26 - United States
By A-64 - 08/05/2012 20:48 - Belgium - Brussels
By windsoffate - 09/06/2016 16:46 - United States - Portland
Who gave him that?
By Ewyucky - 21/06/2022 06:00 - Canada - Wilberforce
About to Popov
By badmom - 27/03/2009 18:42 - United States
By herpmonster - 23/06/2012 16:59 - Italy
Top comments
Or maybe he stole them from the broke back mountain set
you raised him!
Yeah, it's pretty delicious. Except when it throws up all over you... damn drunk cereal.
Hey, at least he's got style.
If this were my son, it would be his last party until he leaves home. Because I'd either lock him in his room or kill him. My children will NOT pull this shit, I guaran-damn-tee you. If they do, it's over. Full stop. I am not raising my children to act like this fool.
Haha, you have no idea what us youngens get up to behind your back :) the more protective parents are the stupider we get... My mum always said she wouldn't stop me making my decisions through life as long as I didn't hurt anyone, but they would be for me when my sorry as came crawling back for help... My dad treated life me like a prisoner my whole life ... I have the utmost respect of my mum, and see my mum most days... I refuse to see my dad...
#59: Not true. It's really up the the teenager, not how protective parents are. I was the responsible child in my family, while my sister slept around and did drugs. Both of us were raised under the same environment, we just made different choices.
Lucifer22 - Haha, the joke's on you, dumbass. I was a stupid teenager once, and I know what teenagers think and (more importantly) how they think. You just made the classic blunder of nearly all teenagers - thinking you are more clever than your parents. Trust me - YOU ARE NOT. The "locking him up" was a bit of hyperbole, I'll admit. They key is raising your children to respect you, which my children do (and will). I am protective, though not overly protective, and they will grow up knowing that I treat them this way because I love them. They will grow up knowing that what OP's son is reckless, destructive, and stupid. That is not to say that they won't make mistakes, because everyone does. But my parents brought me up right, and the mistakes I've made have all been harmless. I'm sure all the teenagers here will continue thumbing my original comment down because they will arrogantly continue to think they are smarter than the adults.
DocBastard: Agreed. I think that was the main difference between my sister and me. I respected my parents and KNEW that I didn't have a chance at reaching their level of intelligence and hard earned wisdom.
All kids go through their rebellious stage. One great thing about being a parent now a days is remembering what we got away with as kids and (trying) not to be as clueless as our own parents were. But you still can't clip their wings completely. We all need to live and learn and hope you instilled enough values so their stupidity is limited and doesn't involve hurting others.
Sorry, but as a parent of three grown boys I have to say... HaHaHa
Sorry for being late but I feel strongly on this particular subject: in a family there should be mutual respect for the child AND parent. In my experience, if a child doesn't have the ability to think and make their own mistakes, the relationship gets strained and then kids act out. A parent should respect their child as another creature capable of thought, and give them room to make their own mistakes, while the child should feel free to come ask their parent for help and advice, and respect that mom and dad may have had the same problems. Notice I said may, as some parents think they are smarter and more wise simply because they are parents - that is not true at all. That thinking it the cornerstone of close mindedness as far as raising another creature goes. I have never had a problem with my mom because of how she treats me like I have and know how to use a fully functioning brain. I deeply respect her and don't wanna disappoint her because I love her, not because I'm afraid of her not understanding. Sorry it's long, I could go on but I think you are all smart enough to get my point. Remember this is opinion, I'm not attacking anyone.
I at no point said I was smarter than my parents but I must say, age does not dictate who is smarter, yes you would have seen more and had more experiences but it doesn't always make you smarter. Everybody knows more about something then someone else. For example you may know more about Shakespeare than I do, but I might know more about IT (btw that was an example I have no clue about IT) in fact I know a fair bit more about Shakespeare than IT :)
#147, One technical point: The human brain is not fully developed until about 25 years of age. It's highly unlikely a 16-year-old has one. You're on your way, but not there yet.
171- read my last comment and don't be so rude, if we went with the ageist stereotypes we would also say that elderly people can't look after themselves and need to stay in bed... This is of course true in some cases but mostly people break stereotypes. 147, love your profile pic :) and don't listen to people who insinuate you are stupid just because your young... It's people like them that cause young people to lose motivation through life...
Your son is a dick.
Or.... you should pay more attention to where he goes and what he does.... Just saying. you ARE the parent.
You should've spanked him with your belt so when he woke up in his underwear with pink cowboy boots and his ass was throbbing, he could put the pieces together and never want to do it again.
That's a disgusting attitude
Having the name lucifer isn't a disgusting attitude at all... My comment was a joke. But since you guys want to take it serious, this kid should've got his ass whooped honestly. He has no respect for his parents and has no fear of disciplinary action. He will continue to do this cus mom and dad aren't going to do anything about it but complain on FML.
Like a rhinestone cowboy
He had an awesome night.