By grannysmack - 11/07/2009 09:10 - United States

Today, as I was bent over at my waitressing job an elderly woman walked by and smacked my ass. I looked at her, shocked, and she said, "It was too tempting with you bent over like that, I have a dirty old mind." I didn't know whether to be flattered or horrified. Maybe both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 878
You deserved it 6 559

Same thing different taste


LMAO just forget it, it's nothing of consequence

You should be flattered, I guess you have a nice ass that even grannies would bang.

mysterygirlblue 8
agentpopcorn007 0
funmonkeypink92 0
beLegit 0

this is hilarious. it should be on MLIA not FML. go old people

ninba20 0

LOL I don't think anyone's noticed OP's a girl.... Next porno: Granny Lesbo's first Youngster

FatMan23 10

HOLY CRAP!!!! That was my Grandma!!!!!!