By terrible kenny - 30/01/2011 09:24 - United States

Today, as I went into my calculus class, the teacher announced that someone had received a negative grade on the test we were getting back. I laughed and said, "Which f*cker managed to get a negative?" Turns out I'm the dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 153
You deserved it 60 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alextheguineapig 0

you shouted f*** in a class? even more reason you're stupid


Sammansix 3

So you were at school at 1:24 AM buddy? I don't think so.

Any of you ever heard of time zones? The world doesn't revolve around you.

Any of you ever heard of time zones? The world doesn't revolve around you.

Any of you ever heard of different time zones? The world doesn't revolve around you guys...

Tadeusz_fml 5

Or maybe the post was posted, and then modded into FML, sometime after the incident? Even assuming it was instantly voted in I doubt he went, 'Aww, darn!' and instantly got out his laptop.

I bet the whole class started laughing instantaneously

Well OP you're a dumbass. I see an honors Arts Degree in your future.

I see picking up garbage in his future.

Every group of friends has one guy that the others hate. Think of your group of friends. If there isn't one guy you make fun of behind his back, you're that guy. OP, you're that guy.

yummycupcakegirl 0

Wow, I guess you can get a negative by forgetting to put your name! thats the only reson I could think of getting a negative, dumbass:( STUDY!!>:(

Acousticpixie14 6

Sure, he may look "bitchy and idiotic" to you, but you all who are making comments like that just look like insecure assholes haha

You will never amount to anything in your life. might as well find an apartment in your ghetto and knock up some stripper....twice