By Something I said? - 05/11/2013 15:26 - United States - Bronx

Today, as my wife and I were getting intimate, I thought I would try a little "dirty talk". I whispered in her ear that I would "dick her down good". She couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 056
You deserved it 59 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't be able to stop laughing either. In fact, I haven't.

You need to polish up on your "dirty talk".


Hey man a good relationship has laughing in the bedroom.

One of the few FMLs that actually made me laugh out loud

nitrog100 21

As a bro, I have to tell you that that was indeed hilarious. That is not the way to inform someone that you're about to give them the business.

My boyfriend once tried being sexy by growling "who's the doggy now?" in my ear. That was 2 years ago, and I still give him shit for it.

jenevil27 9

hahahahah, i would've died laughing as well. I laughed when my boyfriend asked me if i've been a bad girl

MinkleStein 8

Hehe!! just seems silly right lol ;-P

MinkleStein 8

Haha the pressure is on .....Fold!! Good one tho..;)

I've heard of: " I'll give you a good dicking", but "dick you down good"? Oh my...

That's kind of messed up though lol. Maybe I should stop saying that to my girlfriend