By TwirlyWhirl - 09/11/2015 08:17 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, at a bar, I overheard two attractive men speaking in French. I went over and tried to introduce myself with what little French I know. They looked at me like I was crazy and then said in English, "What are you doing?" Turns out they weren't speaking French. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 165
You deserved it 10 264

TwirlyWhirl tells us more.

Hey everyone, OP here. This actually happened a few months ago when I was studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. Yes, I had already had a few drinks. I was also with several other study abroad students who were from Spain and Italy and everyone unanimously agreed that the two men were speaking French. It probably didn't help that we weren't very close to them and it was loud in the bar. The two men were actually from Denmark and they were speaking Danish. I definitely learned my lesson never tried to do anything like that again.

Top comments

Quendolin 24

The awkwardness that came up thereafter was strong enough to kill a small to medium-sized dog!

Just pretend to be French and maybe they will be into it?


Quendolin 24

The awkwardness that came up thereafter was strong enough to kill a small to medium-sized dog!

Nothing kills those bastards. in a war with cockroaches, ants would emerge victorious.

Just pretend to be French and maybe they will be into it?

UhHuhHoney 20

Your photo goes so well w/ your comment, so slick lol

That's a horrible idea considering she obviously doesn't know French enough to speak it well or even understand what other people are saying, or to know if it's a completely different language being spoken. :)

Yes but it sounds as if the men didn't speak French, in which case OP could ramble on about anything as if they were French themselves without the men knowing what they were saying.

You just have to repeat one or two phrases over and over again very quickly while you awkwardly walk away

She could also speak in broken English using a French accent.

izntdan 14

If you're not fluent in the language it's an easy mistake to make. A lot of languages share the same root words and sound very similar

It sounds like they were speaking op's native language, and op had a dull moment...

Indeed, for most people every Asian language might sound like: "cheng wong shi" (no hate)

maybe it's time to get those ears checked.

In similar situations, I just make sure every other word I say is in a different language to cover all bases.

walrus your life? (inside joke that french emersion kids will understand)

Now I'm sad because I'm just a Canadian and don't get the joke.

xooxxooxxooxxoox 3

You kinda messed this joke up on several fronts... first, in french, the word you're thinking of is spelt with a P, not an F - phoque. Second, it means seal, not walrus. (walrus is morse). Finally, unrelated to the joke itself, the french school program is called french immersion, rather than french emersion. Sorry to be so fussy, but it just stuck out at me :P (reply to number 36)

"vie de merde" is the french FML website ;) but I still read the ones in english because they're funnier !

Kevinmeowbeanz 22

It's hard to start a threesome

Did you find out what language they were speaking? I'm trying to think what languages sound like French, though I suppose it's probably a bit harder to differentiate different European languages if you're American.

OP says they talked to her in english. Im guessing that they were talking in english but OP heard diffrent

Maybe another one of the "romantic languages?" I've heard they are similar in their structuring and root words.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

Actually Farsi is very French-sounding (due to extensive French influence), and I commonly (fondly) refer to Portuguese as "Spanish spoken with a French accent". Armenian is also a candidate. Danish... I would not have guessed. But **** them for making it awkward and not being kind to you.

Aiden89 23

How many drinks did you have?

It's too late to turn back. Keep making eye contact and continue serenading them with your mediocre French skills.