By TwirlyWhirl - 09/11/2015 08:17 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, at a bar, I overheard two attractive men speaking in French. I went over and tried to introduce myself with what little French I know. They looked at me like I was crazy and then said in English, "What are you doing?" Turns out they weren't speaking French. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 165
You deserved it 10 264

TwirlyWhirl tells us more.

Hey everyone, OP here. This actually happened a few months ago when I was studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. Yes, I had already had a few drinks. I was also with several other study abroad students who were from Spain and Italy and everyone unanimously agreed that the two men were speaking French. It probably didn't help that we weren't very close to them and it was loud in the bar. The two men were actually from Denmark and they were speaking Danish. I definitely learned my lesson never tried to do anything like that again.

Top comments

Quendolin 24

The awkwardness that came up thereafter was strong enough to kill a small to medium-sized dog!

Just pretend to be French and maybe they will be into it?


GetSomeM0 24

you should have known this was a bad idea, after all you were in a bar its just a bunch of drunk babbles lol

when a person is drunk, a lot of things can seem like good ideas at the

Obviously you don't know French as well as you thought.

Been drinking too much prior to going out in public?

Me, I speak french if you want. (I finish at 7:30 ;))

Danish doesn't even sounds french. wtf.