By SallyGeen - 27/07/2011 07:23 - United Kingdom

Today, at a fancy dress party, I got off with Hitler. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 636
You deserved it 40 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In your defense, I hear that Hitler can be very persuasive.

perdix 29

Was it the Hitler with boobs that was an offense to the ninja community?


perdix 29

Thanks for explaining the British term. It sounds like American slang for having an ******. I'd hate to think that the OP might be the brood mare of the new master race.

by reading the comments I finally get this fml. (:

I have the weirdest boner right now.

from this? I heard people could get aroused by some pretty strange things, but this my friend... that's sad.

broomhildo 19

Well thanks for the clarification about "got off with Hitler." Completely changes it @_@

Wow, all the UK terms confused the hell out of me. I thought the OP slept with a Hitler incarnate at a ball or something.

Wow, all the UK slang confused the hell out of me. I thought she slept with Hitler at a ball or something.

FatMan23 10

My history teacher looked EXACTLY like Hitler. During the WWII unit we all had great fun.