By SallyGeen - 27/07/2011 07:23 - United Kingdom

Today, at a fancy dress party, I got off with Hitler. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 637
You deserved it 40 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In your defense, I hear that Hitler can be very persuasive.

perdix 29

Was it the Hitler with boobs that was an offense to the ninja community?


brennamcnamee1 0

what are you even talking about..?

deefan101 11

How can people not get this? As stated, she was at a fancy dress party and got off with someone dressed as Hitler... given that the original is dead and a fancy dress party is by definition somewhere you pretend to be someone else, it's hardly the greatest logical leap to make.

mallypoo 0

I don't get it AT ALL THAT'S SO S-T-U-P-I-D

I knew what this meant, and I live in America... Why is it so hard for people to read the explanations in the comments before simply saying "I don't get it"?? Or just read some British fiction and get familiar with their slang, haha.