By Anonymous - 09/10/2015 06:39 - United States - Flagstaff

Today, at age 27, I went to pick up the girl I like for my first ever date. Her brother answered the door with a baseball bat, said the date was off and threatened to smash my kneecaps to pieces if I ever came back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 282
You deserved it 1 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Geckosrock99 33

Someone is a bit over protective. You two are adults, too bad the brother can't act like one and let his sister have a good time.


How old is she? That sounds like a high school move on the brothers part

Knowing some high school girls and considering that her brother answered the door (instead of a room mate)....sounds like your date was on the young side.

devans00 14

Hmm. Talk about inappropriately overprotective. Unless there's a big age difference or something like that.

Think real long and hard about where you heard that he was her brother. Unless you heard it from him, that was her boyfriend.

at that point you go to your car grab the lug wrench politely knock on the door if he answers you smack that **** gobbler right in the dick. never back down then he wins.

Ninjerman 7

"Long story short, he's in jail, and we're expecting our first child in July!"

maybe OP gorced the date on her or she didnt know how to say no to someone whos too aggressive and OP doesnt realize it either so the good brother saves his sis