By CollegeBound - 17/08/2012 19:55 - United States - Tully

Today, at age eighteen, I finished moving out of my parents' house and into my own. The only person to even remotely give a shit was my sister, and that was only because I was taking the cat with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 261
You deserved it 2 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're leaving those people behind.

taniamw 9

Be glad you're moving out then!


Congrats on college and your own place, OP! You get to make your own life now. Make the one you want. But don't be surprised if you get calls for assistance from the same folks who couldn't care before you left.

Xcrunner_24 0

That cat was probably happier that way.

KiddNYC1O 20

You're pretty well off to be moving all by yourself at age 18... in New York...

And? It's a good thing your getting out then

I know how you feel there, but you need to try your best to let your parents go. I know it's easier said than done but it will help you in the long run. How are you going to live your own life if you're constantly spending all your energy on your parents?

Hell, the cat gets a less crowded place to stay. Also, take the car of you want your parents to care. That'll defiantly get em caring.

Rough life, hopefully you will make some close friends soon.

hopefully you packed your balls cause you sound like a pussy.

Gratz to you. Nothing like having your own spot.