By poor teacher - 23/09/2013 17:54 - United States - Syracuse

Today, at my job as a fourth grade teacher, I realized that most of my students have far nicer and more expensive phones than I can afford. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 425
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nolimit2217 32

I bet you're better spoken than them though!

What the **** kind of ****** up country do you live in where the average elementary school teacher only makes $51,000 a year, but the average professional baseball player earns $3.2 million? Which is more important? Which is more influential? My daughter's teacher is one of the most important people in her life right now.


Elfkid21 19

what the **** do 4th graders need with a god damn cell phone??!!

jw90 18

When I was that age I wasn't responsible enough to have a cell phone.

wiccanangel13 10

I don't understand why nine-year-olds need pricy cell phones! If anything, they should only need one to call their parents to check in!

1. There are not many pay phones around anymore. 2. Expensive phones become a lot more affordable with various plans and contracts.

and smartphones are kind of the 3310s of today...

That's because most kids today are spoiled and have parents who buy them anything and everything they want. Hey, I'm not going to lie, I'm also a bit spoiled at times. But my parents don't go overboard with it like some of them do. I have a job and strive to make good grades, and I also try to pay for everything I'm able to (car insurance, gas, clothes, etc). What makes me mad is, I see other people my age who don't do shit and get everything. They fail classes all the time, don't even attempt to get a job, and here they are with a new car and an iPhone! I'm not trying to complain, because my parents do the best they can. They give me what I need and they care about me. I'm thankful for what I do have in life and I'm proud to say I worked for some of it. I just get annoyed when people like me (who genuinely try to get somewhere in life) have less than the people who don't. This is one of those times when you realize life just isn't fair.

skyeyez9 24

Life is not fair. And there is no point in getting mad because someone has better material things than you, there will always be people like that. It used to bother me too, but I came to a point in life where I was like this is ridiculous, always worrying about who has what.

skyeyez9 24

There are two kids in my daughter's school who always have expensive clothing, $500 jackets, top of the line ski equipment and anything else you can think of. Anyways, I overheard their mom after school who is very stuck up complaining to her friend how they have "no money, and need to have parts of their house remodeled but are broke...etc" Not everybody who has fancy clothes are rich. Some are just idiots when it comes to managing money. This mom is more concerned about making her kids look rich compared to their peers vs using that money to repair things in their house that are falling apart.

BriCx 8

I agree 100 but at the same time at least she isn't splurging on herself.

skyeyez9 24

Oh she is splurging on herself constantly. Has to have Marmot, north face, prana, mountain hardwear brand clothes and expensive shoes. They all love to look good for others, but are too broke to do much else. She is vain, materialistic and her kids are very ill behaved.

mvc3ftw 17

Many of us know life isn't fair. My college professor told our class that she wanted us ready to deal with life because "Life ain't a ******* disney movie."

mvc3ftw 17

Back in my day, elementary school kids didn't have cellphones; although by the time I got to junior high people were running around with Envy touches or whatever they were called. :P

skyeyez9 24

I cant even imagine giving my 4th grader a cell phone. She would lose it after 2 days, plus she doesn't need one. I bought my first cell phone when I was 20.

ulissey_fml 22

Tell them about that lovely daily rite we used to have in their parents 'time : an Apple for the teacher...