By poor teacher - 23/09/2013 17:54 - United States - Syracuse
Same thing different taste
By NotInMiddleSchool - 20/11/2009 17:24 - United States
By gunnerdog - 27/08/2013 00:22 - United States - Galveston
By emkaycutie - 29/03/2009 18:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/10/2009 11:29 - Canada
By anonymous - 18/02/2012 22:07 - United States
Whatever it is, it's not enough
By mother of an idiot - 09/07/2024 07:00 - United States
By :/ - 01/10/2013 10:18
Please, apologize
By Tytonic - 03/02/2020 14:00 - United States - Chevy Chase
How to make a sociopath
By Anonymous - 10/04/2020 14:00
By Annoyed - 11/05/2016 01:23 - United States - Panama City Beach
Top comments
I don't understand why a fourth grader needs a phone. I can understand junior high and certainly high school. A fourth grader only needs a few pencils, paper and an eraser.
Parents like to keep track of their kids when they go out, #77. That's why when I was in 5th grade a I got a simple flip phone to call my mom when I was out. Nowadays it seems like it's easier to get ahold of smartphones, which is why kids may have those instead of just flip phones or whatever.
#144 I guess you're talking to me, but I already told you a point. Maybe you did fine without a phone, which is why you stick to your statement. Although in my experiences, I needed a phone because sometimes I needed to call my mom to tell her I'm staying after school and sometimes she actually needed to contact me before I was home. I don't know your situation, so I don't know what to say. Also, my mom has some paranoia, considering she was nearly kidnapped as a kid. I don't blame her. She said a guy tried to grab her at a PUBLIC place. Now imagine as a child I walked to school and in junior high I had to stand at a bus stop, so... Yeah she was pretty worried. Think about these kids situations.
173, I agree with you that I don't know the situation the children are in. It may be that these kids live in a rougher area or they have after school activities, like you said. I didn't take into consideration these factors and I made my judgment solely based on their age. I apologize for my poor judgement.
#174: oh no need to apologize(: I feel bad now. I felt like I was being a bit abrasive when trying to explain my point. My apologizes on that. But I completely understand your judgement. I feel like most kids do have phones because they can, so I see where you're coming from. I think I'm just too empathetic sometimes. But I hope I did some good in my long explanation! :D
Why thank you #180 :D
don't feel bad I was at the grocery store yesterday and the cashier told me how this was her second job she's a kindergarten teacher and her students have better phones than her.
Teacher and materialistic doesn't mix well together.
Here's something fun for you all to do: go to Google and look up "spoiled kids Xmas tweets" or Facebook. It's all the kids going fml and abusing their parents because their parents got them a black iPhone instead of white or a Mercedes instead of a BMW. That's how a lot of kids today are. Heck, I was over the moon when my old man got me a single game for my birthday on the Sega hehe.
Sell it and get the color you want :P Or just color mods
Teachers don't get paid enough...and fourth graders with a phone? That's pretty early...
Related: yesterday my cousin was saying how she needs an iPhone 5c. She is 10, and only in 5th grade.
I don't understand why all you people just start comparing this generation to yours. "When I was that age, I..." Yeah, I know. It was different for us. But let's face it. Kids need to get used to technology and as long as they are not ABUSING it, they are fine. I think the people buying their kids smartphones should just take on the responsibility of teaching their child how to use it to their advantage. Sounds fair enough to me. Although I'm not saying it's good to buy a toddler an iPad, hahaha. I'm not being that dramatic.
The smarter the phone, the dumber the person
I bet you're better spoken than them though!
What the **** kind of ****** up country do you live in where the average elementary school teacher only makes $51,000 a year, but the average professional baseball player earns $3.2 million? Which is more important? Which is more influential? My daughter's teacher is one of the most important people in her life right now.