By poor teacher - 23/09/2013 17:54 - United States - Syracuse

Today, at my job as a fourth grade teacher, I realized that most of my students have far nicer and more expensive phones than I can afford. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 425
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nolimit2217 32

I bet you're better spoken than them though!

What the **** kind of ****** up country do you live in where the average elementary school teacher only makes $51,000 a year, but the average professional baseball player earns $3.2 million? Which is more important? Which is more influential? My daughter's teacher is one of the most important people in her life right now.


Even if it is a hand-me-down or supposedly for "emergencies only", what the **** does a 9-year-old need an iPhone for? I didn't get my first cell phone until I was 16, and that was a Tracfone while all the cool kids had those Razors that were popular at the time.

nonetheless OP is still human and has a life apart from teaching. op should be able to enjoy some of the finer things in life.

Who in the hell gives their 8 year old a phone in the first place? When I was their age, all I had was one of the first gameboys. You know, the ones with the cartridges that that you had to blow in to get them to work

BriCx 8

When I was in fourth grade my best electronic was a gigapet...what the hell is up with this generation?

Really? :O my 6th grade teacher had an Iphone 4

This is one for the Cool Story Brochure!

little_excel 5

I used to sub at a high school where 16 yr old kids drive BMW, Lexus and so on so I know how that feels. Parents these days

I am so sorry, OP. That is truly depressing.

Well that's only because they keep annoying their parents until they get what they want.