By Anonymous - 14/12/2010 04:13 - United States

Today, at my new job, I took some food out to a customer. Walking away, I heard a lady mumble, "Oh my God, you could never pay me enough to wear that." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 559
You deserved it 3 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

White_Fury 0

Look on the bright side OP, at least you are being paid enough to wear that! :)


justbigbs 6

Don't let assholes like that get to you , because people like that have nothing better to do and usually insecure about something in their own life to say shit about others.

Cityyg10 0

Oh no, you wear a uniform, and it's ugly? Not only are most uniforms ugly, but you shouldn't give a crap about what strangers think about your clothes. Are you in high school or something?

At least it's your work uniform and not your everyday clothes...

I'm assuming you work at hooters? Since you are a girl after all..