By Anonymous - 01/11/2012 23:11 - United States - Danby

Today, at my school they were having a carnival to raise money. One of the patrons suggested that if they wanted to make money, they should have people pledge money to make me cover my ugly face with a bag. The school got over $500, and I had to wear a bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 604
You deserved it 2 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iChel413 6

Sue for emotional damages (: that is not right. It could even get to the local news.

Next carnival, you should suggest that the ringleader of the paper bag incident must wear a plastic bag over their head for pledges.


I don't get why he should SUE!??? Why does he deserve any money from anyone? Because he had his feelings hurt? Grow up. America has corrupted you beyond belief. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in another country. This kid doesn't need to beat the shit out if anyone (but no just because he'd get in trouble doesn't mean it's WRONG get your own damn morals and stop following rules blindly). He just needs to stand the **** up to his bullies. May I ask? What do you do in life?

Oh and I wasn't trying to throw pointless insults that didn't relate. Yes, I was insulting you but because I think you're a a pansy. Simply because you think someone should sue instead of standing up for themselves. Suing for emotional distress is stupid and I am EXTREMELY opposed to anyone who does. If you didn't lose money then you don't deserve money. Get payback another way.

Most of the great people on history didn't take shit from people. You don't hear stories about the people who laid down and let something happen.

kriz_allizwell 6

Good job, man! you turned a weakness into a strength, and actually did your part for the school.As a fellow ugly person, i tell u, u go dude!

Aww you need a hug! *hugs* *boop* sometimes I hate the Internet.

PandaSpots 10 to be you...

I'm sure it was just a cruel joke just like I'm sure you're not ugly. I bet you people think you're hot but that it would be funny for that to happen. Kids can be cruel so don't take it to heart sweetness.

I'm from Australia and honestly we don't sue people for stuff all that much well maybe we do but because we don't have any T.V shows like Judge Judy and what not I can't be 100% sure. You have no idea what kind of psychological damage can be done to someone who is bullied especially when it is done to such a public extent, His feelings are hurt and in that process so is his mind. I'm saying he should sue because the school was involved in this and they are suppose to know better. So instead of taking the violent approach which you seem oh so fond of (whether it be through attacking his bullies verbally or physically) he can take the approach of attacking them where it really hurts their money and their image. I do have my own morals but sometimes it's best to follow the rules because they are there for a good reason admittedly sometimes rules should be broken for certain reasons but in this case I really don't see the point since it won't do anything in retaliating to them with violence. I need to make this clear though I don't think suing should be the first option though I think complaints need to be made to the school for what happened and then if nothing happens about it and it's just ignored then try and sue to get their attention and show them you mean business. Also I've only really said the suing is an option he could take. There are many different ways to stand up for ones self. Also you are still very ignorant because they are pointless insults and you're insulting someone whilst trying to say you don't bully people whilst also doing this on a post about a kid getting bullied, it's actually quite funny what you're doing.

I'm still confused...this happened at a school, and people actually got away with it? And the word patron - does that mean they're like an adult sponsor? I'm really finding it hard to believe that this suggestion could even be RAISED in a school environment without whoever raised it being disciplined (if a pupil) or asked to leave (if an adult). This is wrong. FYL OP.

legal371 5

Can none of u spell? It's sue not sew

CharresBarkrey 15

I dunno, I think sewing someone might make more of an impression.

CharresBarkrey 15

P.S. There is only one comment misspelling the word sue as "sew." (And many after mocking that person for their mistake.)