By Anonymous - 01/11/2012 23:11 - United States - Danby
Same thing different taste
Classy Mom
By Meowitzer - 14/09/2019 22:00
By evil - 27/01/2010 05:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/02/2013 03:27 - United States - San Ramon
By cancerfreak - 21/03/2009 02:39 - United States
By obsceene - 18/10/2010 10:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/09/2009 22:53 - Canada
By Nofriends - 09/07/2012 11:44 - Australia - Melbourne
By Arniii - 01/02/2012 18:53 - United States
You little…
By thathottchickk - 13/12/2011 22:43 - United States
By plzdontclapme - 01/07/2012 23:03
Top comments
To 48- I am not even going to bother replying to you anymore, not because you are at all right because you are so very very wrong , but because your to ignorant to have a rational logical conversation with. Your one of those guys who states his opinion like it's the only one that matters and then sits there with his fingers in his ears going LA LA LA LA LA blocking out everyone else argument because if they're not agreeing with you they are obviously wrong. Also the only place violence is going to get you is a quick trip to a jail cell so have fun with that. :)
That's ******* awful.
Then don't reply but that's your choice. I'm not the one calling you ignorant for stating your opinion. I have listened to everything you have had to say, but you are wrong. Everyone has a choice. Violence doesn't solve everything but in a lot of cases it solves most things and you are IGNORANT for thinking violence can't solve anything. It is a FACT that violence has solved many things. The kid doesn't deserve to sue ANYONE. I'm not ignorant for ignoring your statements, it's because your statements are wrong. Letting a bully walk all over you and then trying to sue him and his innocent family or the school district who is never stated to having anything to so with this is just plain WRONG. You go ahead and keep letting people walk all over you. Oh and violence won't land you in a jail cell bub. Self defense will get you off. And even if it doesn't, violence isn't wrong in this situation. Whether the law says so or not.
55: Eh? I may be wrong but I would guess you've never been bullied (and a bit of name-calling doesn't count). If you did, kudos to you if you managed to stand up to it, that's admirable. You're using words like "pansy" (does anyone even say that any more?) and "pussy", so I'd be more likely to guess you were one of the assholes at school. Standing up for yourself isn't always that easy. When a large number of people are pressuring someone - especially a teenager - into something, it's incredibly difficult to say "**** off". I agree that OP SHOULD have done that, but you strike me as quite ignorant. It's great that you're so good at sticking up for yourself, but OP might be extremely nervous or shy. They might have tried standing up for theirself before and had it fall flat for them. You don't know what they've been through before, so quit being so self-righteous.
That's horrid. I am so sorry this happened to you. Keep your head up :)
If they can't stand up for themselves then they need to leave the situation and not LET themselves be treated that way. And no I wasn't the bully in school. I never picked on anyone that didn't do something to start it. And even then it wasn't "picking", it was me stopping some kid from bullying some new guy or a guy who didn't speak English. Yes I have been bullied. I was a little nerdy kid freshman year and by my senior year I was one of the "popular kids". If someone gives you shit you stop it. You call them out. You call them an asshole. You don't even need to be violent, make them feel bad for doing it. And if that doesn't work then go to whoever you need to do. No one should LET themselves be bullied this way. I GUARANTEE you that there are kids at his high school who will help him. Not everyone is an asshole.
Put a giant bag over the whole school! That'll show 'em! How do YOU like living in darkness, mothafuckas???
To 60- Self defence and defending those in trouble are times when violence is acceptable yes, but some of the best ways to combat something is through non violence. If this kid sued it would send a message saying I'm not taking this shit anymore these are the consequences to your actions, people would listen then because people always listen when their money is involved or their public image. Yes violence will land you in a jail cell because it's against the law and we have laws for a reason so people don't go about attacking and killing each other all the time. Violence is wrong in that situation, if this kid turns around and beats up one of his bullies you know what will happen? he will get suspended from school and when he comes back the guy he beat up will have his mates ready to kick the living shit out of OP. An eye for an eye will make the world blind, Gandhi said that one of the greatest teachers and leaders of nonviolence. Also I never said violence doesn't solve anything sometimes violence is needed it just depends in what way it is being done in and what message it is truly sending. Also I was calling you ignorant because you felt that you needed to go on the offensive and call me names which is what ignorant people do, people who actually want to express their views talk like adults.
To 62- I agree with you.
That isn't legal. Take them to court. They just paid for your college.

Sue for emotional damages (: that is not right. It could even get to the local news.
Next carnival, you should suggest that the ringleader of the paper bag incident must wear a plastic bag over their head for pledges.