By Anonymous - 20/03/2011 07:44 - United States

Today, at my wedding, my brother decided it would be funny to trip me as I was walking down the aisle, in front of hundreds of people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 308
You deserved it 4 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is terrible. Your brother needs to grow up! :) Hope your honeymoon with your hubby made up for it in the end!

lordlekal 17

Sounds like your brother needs to be taken out back and beaten.


sweetiffany 0

That's what brothers are good for! :)

holymolybro 0

Did your husband beat the shit out of him?

Your brother is an immature jerk. For a lot of women their wedding is supposed to be the most important day of their lives, and is obviously important to the OP.. Not only is it incredibly disrespectful, it is just plain thoughtless. I'm all for a joke but tripping someone as they walk down the isle OF THEIR WEDDING and possibly causing injury, isn't funny.. I hope the rest of the day went well for you OP, and that you have a long and happy marriage!

and possibly on video Not sure why you say it is the most important day for many *women,* though. I would hope marriage celebration would be a significant milestone for many men too.

TheDrifter 23

It is, it's the day we finally admit that we will never again own anything of value and celebrate the fact that this woman has decided to spend time with us before her and her lawyer go after all we have and half of all we'll make in the future.

Ah, very true ohsnapyall! It is indeed just as important for men as it is for women, but a lot of women dream about their wedding or even plan it from a very young age. So they have high hopes and want it to go perfectly. Plus the OP is a woman so I was trying to relate it to her :P.

just wait until he's married and he and his wife have their first kid. when he is coming over to show you the newborn, exact your revenge and trip him! jk jk! seriously though that's pretty terrible... I can't imagine the thoughtlessness and idiocy involved in a decision like that... i can't even imagine my brother pulling that, but I know my fiance would beat the shit out of him for it.

thewsdelre 0

i call fake. how fast do you have to be walking for that to happen. especially at a wedding!

xnrdyAWSMx 0

That's just immature, but how fast were you walking not to see a foot stick out? lol

anonnie 0

Is she supposed to watch for feet sticking out in the aisle? It's her wedding. I'm sure her head was held high and she was looking around at her loved ones or focusing on the altar and her soon-to-be hubby.

that would have ruined my whole day:(sorry girrl.

kybear5 0

I would have gave my brother the look then finishes up the ceremony, take him into the back with a baseball bat and no ball because he is the ball. beaten him then continued having a good time! (;

That's why small children never should be closest to the aisle

wow... your brothers an complete asshole op