By noexceptions - 11/11/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, at school, I got stuck in the elevator and was about to panic before I remembered I had my phone. I called my mother and she called the school to tell them that I was stuck. They got me out in a few minutes and then confiscated my phone and gave me two detentions for using it in school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 569
You deserved it 3 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have the schools head on a platter for unreasonable treatment. This was an emergency situation in which you had no other choice. You were not disrupting a class or using it for conversation. Maybe you could have pushed the emergency call button in the elevator, but that's no excuse for the school's actions.

Horde 8

Doesn't elevators come with emergency ring and intercom?


Why didn't you pick up the emergency phone in the elevator? Yes, there is one, it is required by law for public elevators.

as someone pointed out, cellphones don't work in elevators. elevators also have intercoms so that if something like this happens, YOU CAN CALL FOR HELP, and also, if you really were stuck and the intercom wasn't working and your cellphone happened to work, there is no way that they would take away your cell phone and give you two detentions.... school heads are people too, and they would probably take the situation into account

Oh really? I've used my cell phone in plenty of elevators. I think perhaps you need new information. They don't always work, especially if you are going down to lower levels and basements, but I never just expect to drop a call when I walk into one.

Peacemaker9 7

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats so ****** up what the school did u should sue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great that u got out of the elevator.................

Wow could you be more of a douche? People can't help it if they're disabled. As for you OP, FYL but also YDI. Just because you used it during an "emergency" doesn't mean you didn't break the school rule and use a cell phone. An example would be like stealing a car in order to get to the hospital if a family member was really injured, you just can't do it. Also, elevators have emergency call buttons for a reason, you should have used it.

shannonmarie223 0

can you imagine the phone call from the mom to the school? 'hello, i'm just calling to tell you that my child is stuck in the elevator' hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

So the first thing you did was call your mom? Uhh...I believe all elevators have those emergency com buttons for these types of things.

How is a high school having an elevator a surprise to you? Mine did but only for the main building and it's the slowest ******* piece of shit on earth. I had to use it for three weeks after I had knee surgery and I was consistently 5 minutes late to class when I used it because it had the speed of a box turtle. Be lucky you had your phone. I got stuck in the dorm elevator my freshman year of college and had left my phone in my room on accident. And of course, when you have a coed hall, guys think it's funny to ring the elevator alarm just for kicks so people ignored it most of the time. Worst 20 minutes EVER.