By ILuvYouSoldiers - 26/06/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, at the airport, my mom began talking about how useless the war in Iraq was, and how dumb the soldiers that serve there were for enlisting during the war. The soldier at the vending machine near us caught my eye. I mouthed, "Sorry" and he mouthed, slowly, "You fuckin' better be." FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 482
You deserved it 21 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We should ship your mother over to Iraq. God bless our soldiers.

alwaysalady 0

That's awful. I give soldiers hugs and tell them thank you. Your mom needs to learn a little respect.


Some of this is insanely moronic. The soldiers may be fighting a war that not many agree with, but they are still our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, moms, dads, aunts, uncles... they are still people and deserve and enormous amount of respect for what they're doing. Just two days ago a soldier died that was from this area and it was almost overwhelming the amount of support the people gave to the family and those that knew him. That's patriotic and what's sad is how many people wouldn't give two seconds of respect to those soldiers that fought and died. I really hope karma comes back to bite them.

I don't see why should be mad at you. You weren't the one saying anything.

Whether or not 9/11 was an "inside job" and whether or not the war is meaningless, I joined the Marine Corps to kill every ************ that may consider themselves our enemy so my country that i love dearly along with all of my family and friends are safe. For all those against, **** you. Those who support, Thank you

Mata_Hari 0

*Neutral on the debate* He should have that comment at your mother however, you're the one who apologized and was NOT disparaging the war/soldiers.

starslugger09 0

If you don't stand behind our soldiers, feel free to stand in front of them.

captainobvious07 0
Chocolate_Chunk 2

about as intelligent as "if you don't like to eat corn dogs, feel free to shove them up your ass"

Blue_Coconuts 7

For touchableturtles sake... Weapons were found, just not in the quanity nor in the condition that was predicted. But guys in my platoon who were in OIF 1 saw them with their own eyes. And when I went with a force of 600 combat soldiers we kept a city of over 2 million civilians much safer and we improved, yes improved their way of life by a rather large margin. Iraqi's in the north got ****** under Saddam, so saying we do nothing but make their life worse shows how little you know. If you haven't been there, you shouldn't try to compare their life pre war and now, because you have no idea. But when I have more families in Iraq thanking me than people back home, then that shows how stupid people are.

j3nn1987 0

Way to go # 152. Spoken like a true Marine!

queenrocks10 0

damn straight respect the troops no matter what situation they're in because they are protecting our sorry asses from middle east psychopaths

Thank you for what you are doing! You truely are respected and appreciated by me and my family. Thank you for keeping us safe.

I love it when people insult the soldiers they owe their own freedom to, if you think you're so tough, go enlist yourself and see what it's like