By ILuvYouSoldiers - 26/06/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, at the airport, my mom began talking about how useless the war in Iraq was, and how dumb the soldiers that serve there were for enlisting during the war. The soldier at the vending machine near us caught my eye. I mouthed, "Sorry" and he mouthed, slowly, "You fuckin' better be." FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 482
You deserved it 21 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We should ship your mother over to Iraq. God bless our soldiers.

alwaysalady 0

That's awful. I give soldiers hugs and tell them thank you. Your mom needs to learn a little respect.


5150 0

128 ur a retard, go kill yourself

**** your ignorant mother. The war may be useless, but she has no right tho critisize the soldiers. Tell her to go eat a brick

FYL, and I now officially do not like your mother. She should be ashamed of herself.

Topguy 0

god damn parents Lways getting us into trouble

Even though people like your mother are unthankful for what these men and women are doing, the soldiers are fighting for everyone. Your mother needs to step back and take a look at the larger picture.. if we weren't fighting this war over seas, it would come here. Would she think it's so stupid then for soldiers to be fighting? If the terrorists were in her backyard would she still think they're dumb for protecting us? Everyone needs to be thankful for what our military is doing.. they're away from their family 6-12 months at a time, not because it's "fun" to fight a war.. but because they're doing the right thing. They are protecting the ground that your mother walks on everyday and she is taking that for granted. My husband is fighting this war that neither of us believe in, nor understand anymore.. but he is doing it to keep all of our families safe. Send her overseas for a while and let her experience the affects that the civilians are dealing with and see if she is still unthankful for them fighting the war over there.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

because iraq would have invaded america. yeah right.

And #9 go eat shit and kill yourself

As a P.S., this post is in no way an FML...

j3nn1987 0

I'm sorry you had to listen to your mom say all that. And I'm sorry you had to recieve the blunt of the soldier's anger. However, next time your mom starts saying things like that in public, you might do good to remind her that those of us who serve in the military don't have a choice as to where we are sent to fight. We go where we are told be it Iraq, Afganistan or any other hostile area. Remind her that we put our lives on the line every day to preserve the freedom that we as Americans have. That even includes those like her who are too arrogant to give a damn. I risk my life every day so that people like her can continue to have the freedom to say how horrible we are for doing so. Damn that makes me wanna punch something...

I commend you for your service #146. You and everyone else that is enlisted. Thank you, thank you.

thank you for the service that you are doing this country. you absolutely do not deserve hearing of someone being ignorant and saying that. my husband is fighting this war as well. God bless you and your family. Thank you for keeping me safe at night.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

thank you for requiring respect for killing innocent people and using the nazi defense that you were just doing what you were told to do. you're my hero