By nicoreal89 - 25/11/2011 08:20 - United States

Today, at the Black Friday Sale, a fully grown man hit my 5 year old daughter for an Xbox. In anger, I punched the guy and gave him a bloody nose. I'm now banned from Best Buy, and my daughter has a concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 152
You deserved it 6 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uprising_fml 0

what a badass . at least you avenged your kid .

At least you tried to defend your daughter.


**** that guy, guys should never hit girls, let alone a grown ass man punching a 5 year old

televishun 7

op, I applaud you for defending your little girl, but what you need to do right now is call the cops. He committed assault on a CHILD. That selfish nutbag deserves to pay for her medical bills and spend some time in jail. ( Also, way to go on giving him a bloody nose)

A 5 year old on an Xbox - seems legit. No seriously, I'm sure I've met a few newborns on 360 and I don't even have one.

Well **** Best Buy...Any person that's going to hit a 5 year old deserves a punch to the face. You did good, OP. I would have done the same thing.

SwtCherryPie 26

it'd been more than 1 punch to the face over that if it were me ...

SamDream 3

That's horrible! D: so sorry! D:

Black Friday brings out all sorts of miserly wackos! Leave the kids at home! It's not safe out there! At least the guy didn't pepper spray your daughter like some woman in California did to a bunch of shoppers at Walmart!

...No offense, but I would /never/ bring my five year old to something like that. One, she could get hurt, and two, children aren't very good with events like that. They get fussy.

That sucks :/ But good job for being a good Father! :)

hagedale 0

You should not have had your five year old daughter there in the first place. I saw many people there with their kids, stay home until the crowds die down or find a babysitter.