By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 22:50 - France

Today, at the supermarket, my mother stopped in the middle of a lane and imitated a gorilla as a way of asking me from far away if I wanted any bananas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 189
You deserved it 4 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, at least she didn't ask you if you wanted condoms.

Did you also pick up some orangs, gr-apes, and potato chimps?


hahahahaha wickedd funny! i wouldve diiied!

You should have imitated an angry person back and given her the finger.

Unless you were visiting with your mother as an adult, if you are shopping with your mom, you are still too young for it to matter that you were embarrassed..

not true. op is probably a teenager so that would be quite embarrassing

Beaniebabima 0

LMFAO!! Parents are awesome in the sometimes not so subtle art of humiliation :)

At least she wasn't asking for tampons or something.

IneffableLullaby 13

Hahaha, your mom is a clever one, all right. ;)

Neylin 7

This... is something I will one day try on my kids (:

I would've pretended not to know her by looking down the isle on both sides. Then I would've pointed my thumb at myself and mouthed: "Me?". If she responded by thumping again I would've left.