By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 22:50 - France

Today, at the supermarket, my mother stopped in the middle of a lane and imitated a gorilla as a way of asking me from far away if I wanted any bananas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 189
You deserved it 4 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, at least she didn't ask you if you wanted condoms.

Did you also pick up some orangs, gr-apes, and potato chimps?


Isn't that more embarrassing for your mother and not OP? all she did was watch....

Alpha35 4

I would of told everyone to look at that crazy women monkeying, pointed and laughed at her. while crying inside. my mom through me into a tower of tin food at a shop, then told me im a pussy. i love mom

That's something I'd want my mom to do in front of my friends and I x)

iLoveMisaCampo 0

what if he does? you going to provide him one?

You know what YOU should have done when you got to the battery display, don't you?