By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 22:50 - France

Today, at the supermarket, my mother stopped in the middle of a lane and imitated a gorilla as a way of asking me from far away if I wanted any bananas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 189
You deserved it 4 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, at least she didn't ask you if you wanted condoms.

Did you also pick up some orangs, gr-apes, and potato chimps?


karina4hope 0

OMG thats hillarious. does she act like an elefante when she wants some peanuts?? Lol I'm sorry it was just to funny I was ROFL!!

That's fantastic! Did you play along and respond in all-out gorilla spirit?

lilmisslovely13 15

ahaha isn't that what parents are for? like the other day i was eatimg lunch in the kitchen when my mom starts dancing and imitating Elaine from Seinfeld. didn't finish my lunch :)

I can so see my mom do this hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Love177 5

Haha that awkward moment when...

Ciara4757 16

This actually crosses the line from embaressing parents into hilarious parents.....i hope you made a video that is youtube worthy

HAHAHAHHAHAH I love your mom! But that would be super emberassing xD