By EggHead - 31/12/2014 04:38 - United States - Woodbridge

Today, at work, a 3-year-old threw an egg at me from his cart. I couldn't leave my register to clean my hair because it was too busy, so when the new manager came in, he wrote me up for "unkempt appearance." Now my new hire probation period is extended 30 days, and my nickname is "Egghead." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 006
You deserved it 2 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's unfair they can't treat employees like that. Call the store owner if that doesn't work try searching for another job just make sure you keep this one until you do. Good luck OP.

I hope the kid's parent told the kid it was a rude thing to do and apologized to you. There's a reason I don't really like kids, mostly because their parents don't really teach them respect and what's right and wrong.


clickme 17

You deserve it. You should have immediately locked your register and went to clean yourself. You were assaulted, you don't have to stand there with a smile because you draw a check

skittyskatbrat 19

Wrong. If the manager on duty does not give her permission to leave, and she leaves, she's at fault and jobless. Very few companies have any exception to that policy other than "medical emergency" and frankly they may not accept that. They aren't required to.

That's so unfair, smh.... There are some really horrible bosses out there, I'd say quit but that only hurts yourself...

TahoeFMler 22

That's bullshit. I hope you're appealing.

middlenamefrank 8

If you want to keep that job, better work on your dodging ability.

That's your sign. The kid did you a favor by showing you what a jerk you're working for. Find a new job.

I guess you had not so much of an EGGcelent day

skittyskatbrat 19

Have the manager that was on-duty at the time speak to the other manager. And if nothing happens, put in for a job elsewhere. And don't feel required to give a two-weeks notice, either, when you find a different job.

krazayman 18

the price of being a loyal worker