By elizabethkalyn - 10/02/2014 20:48 - United States - Vincennes

Today, at work, a customer asked me to unlock the restroom for them. I honestly couldn't figure out which gender they were, but I didn't want to be rude and ask, so I took a chance. I unlocked the wrong one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 680
You deserved it 5 801

elizabethkalyn tells us more.

Couple of things. I couldn't have unlocked both, as the doors swing shut and relock as soon as you let them go. The customer was a natural born woman who looked and sounded a lot like a male. When they asked why I opened the men's, I just told them the women's was occupied. I have never made the mistake before and it was mortifying. She luckily was very cool about it:) also, both restrooms use the same key.

Top comments

I would have pretended I unlocked the wrong one without realizing it. Like "oh it's been a long day I wasn't even paying attention to which bathroom I was unlocking!"


I've been in that situation! Let them walk up front next time!!

You should have asked which bathroom to open and just say you needed to know because they take different keys.

Nastorrian 11

should have said "oh I know, but this is the only one in order at the moment" when you realized it was the wrong genders. Would have saved a little face and not hurt feelings.

Next time just ask their name.. Should help unless it's "rylee" or "Dakota" or something else gender neutral..

that doesn't always work. names in one area might be considered feminine-like courtney, but in other areas they're masculine. best options I can think of are what op did, or having them to go over to the door so you can let them in.

kiki_1070 22

If it happens again, just say the other is out of order, and you haven't got a sign up yet.

could of just made up something on the spot like, im sorry the other one is dirty...

I used to work at a call center, and this happened to me a lot. I had to fill out a form that asked gender, and sometimes men have really effeminate voices, and women have really deep voices. I usually just guessed and hoped they would never find out. One time when I worked retail, I tried to stop a lady from going into the ladies dressing room, because she looked exactly like a man. But she was a really good sport about it, and told me that was the 'look she was going for.' I was young and sheltered, so I think it took me a few minutes to close my open mouth.

You should have selected your gender. Then if you were wrong you could just respond with, "force of habit" since you usually only have to unlock it for your own use.

Brilliant! Much smoother than using the "out-of-order" ruse. Really, though, who can think that fast in real life? Not me...

That sucks, OP. I tend to just refer to those people as hermaphrodites.

I once maintained a friendship over the course of 6 months because i couldn't tell a persons gender and was hellishly curious to know. Even the name was neutral sounding. Eventually I got a peek at their wallet. Gender was on one of the cards in there.