By elizabethkalyn - 10/02/2014 20:48 - United States - Vincennes

Today, at work, a customer asked me to unlock the restroom for them. I honestly couldn't figure out which gender they were, but I didn't want to be rude and ask, so I took a chance. I unlocked the wrong one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 679
You deserved it 5 799

elizabethkalyn tells us more.

Couple of things. I couldn't have unlocked both, as the doors swing shut and relock as soon as you let them go. The customer was a natural born woman who looked and sounded a lot like a male. When they asked why I opened the men's, I just told them the women's was occupied. I have never made the mistake before and it was mortifying. She luckily was very cool about it:) also, both restrooms use the same key.

Top comments

I would have pretended I unlocked the wrong one without realizing it. Like "oh it's been a long day I wasn't even paying attention to which bathroom I was unlocking!"


unlock the gender you are so if it is wrong just say you had to go to the bathroom too.

FelKysier 7

I'm too lazy to see if anyone else said this, but there is an easy solution in that situation. Politely wave forward and say "After you". Just unlock whichever door he/she walks toward and/or stands by.

That's when I tell them that the other one is out of order... hey its too late now. .. it sucks to suck because now we can suck together because I've done that too

I would have just said the other one was giving y'all problems so everyone is using that one!

bunniberry 8

To get out of it,You could've tried to say that you were tired and wasn't thinking straight.

Darrenm26 2

Should have lied & said that the other restroom was messed up!

You. Could've played it off well and unlocked both if them for future reference.