By I hate my job - 08/06/2013 22:20 - United States

Today, at work, a customer came in and ordered a "Butterbeer Frappuccino." When I said we serve no such thing, she yelled at me for "lying" to her, saying she knew about our "secret menu." She ended up complaining to my manager and demanded that he fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 914
You deserved it 4 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll take a polyjuice potion and a blueberry muffin.

You're such a muggle. The secret menu is only visible to wizards and witches.

Comments know there really is a such thing on the secret menu right? Go ask your manager.

Um you know the "secret menu" was made up by people and these drinks are just random creations and not starbucks approved names right?? I am a manager... Don't talk to us like we're the idiots.

I've always been scared to order off of 'secret menus' because something like this might happen.

Don't be scared, just don't act crazy like this lady! They likely won't know how to make what you order, but if you just make sure you know the recipe beforehand then they'll make whatever you want. They're really easy recipes too and they spell it out for you if you google them

aw man that sucka OP..hope youre boss understood the situation

xZombieCandyx 11

Actually Starbucks does have a secret menu, sometimes as the customer you just have to explain what goes in it. The woman had no reason to overreact though.

xZombieCandyx 11

Of course i just realized i assumed you work at Starbucks lol otherwise the woman could just be crazy. In and Out burger is another place with a secret menu ;)

Dallasluver19 14

I know how you feel. I work at Starbucks too, and ******* idiots ask for the stupid secret menu all the time. You have to give us the damn recipe in order for us to serve it to you.

there is a secret menu. but you don't order a snickers frapp. you order a regular frapp to use as a base and add syrups and toppings. you can thank pintrest for that

Someone needs to put a confundus charm on this muggle before he learns our secret ways!!

i work at mcdonalds and this lady did that to me too. I think they make stuff up so that they can complain when we say we dony have it and get free stuff.

What are you complaining about? She's the one that has to live with mental illness, right? Wanna trade places with her?