By Barista - 05/07/2009 05:21 - United States
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damn reading all these coments ppl are way to sensitive to other ppls coments. get over ur freakin selfs alot off ppl have made true facts, statements and statistics. i.e blk ppl smell thats y theyre violent, they will fight u for soap lol or because ur tryign to give them soap. and females....STFU no guts no glorry! and fyi im a girl so lick my bloody tmpns
#272, please, for the sake of mankind, learn to type. You realize that your comment about peoples' complaints were not only complaints in themselves, but ill thought out tangents? I'm also a girl, and if I saw someone licking my bloody tampons I would be sick then have them committed. Though the fact that your tampons are bloody and not wrapped and sitting in their box is a good indication as to why you felt the need to spew that dribble.
Who the **** turned on her Phyco-bitch Switch?
This is the best illustration I've seen yet :D
okay...WTH is that person's issue?!
uhhhhh. xD I think you need to warn the manager about the crazy lady demanding sweet and sour chicken.
Something similar happened to me once. I was working in a B&N cafe (which is basically a Starbucks, but owned by B&N) and this guy came in--in his 20s, so young enough to know better--and was like, "How do you make your chai? Is it with some kind of nasty syrup?" I told him that yes, we did use a syrup, but that it wasn't too nasty. He was then like, "No. That's no good," and he proceeded to tell me various chai suppliers in the area, as if I, a barista at a bookstore, had any authority to change where a large, national corporation bought its chai.