By WellFineThen - 17/04/2017 05:00 - United States - Cedar Falls

Today, at work, a woman screamed at me and called me a bitch because I refused to refund something we give away for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 987
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of my job at a call centre. They got shomi for free with their subscription and then shomi just kinda shut itself down, nothing we had to do with it. And we got countless customers calling in saying that they deserve to be compensated for it being closed down. Sorry, we're not giving you a credit for a service you never paid for. Which they somehow never seem to understand. I feel your pain op.

Take back the item and offer her a store credit to choose any other free sample she wants. Sometimes the best way to deal with stupidity is not to fight it, but to roll with it.


But "Not Always Right" is pretty amazing too.