By supervisor - 06/11/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, at work I wrote up my boyfriend (whom I've been secretly dating, because I'm his supervisor) for being $40 short on his register. Our policy is to write up anyone short over $10. He got mad and told my boss we're dating, and I was instantly fired. Then I got dumped for being a "tattle-tale". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 914
You deserved it 18 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is obviously to immature to understand the importance of having the correct amount of money in the till and the fact you have to do your job and properly to. You will find someone with the same mentality no doubt and will be better off without the other guy.

No way! You should've taken more money out and mentioned to your boss he was stealing out of the till. If you'd done that you'd be rid of him, still have a job, and have some extra spending money.


monkiki62 5

Ydi. If you expected to write him up and things would be dandy your dumb. You shoulda either not have wrote him up or broke up with him first for being a thief. And did you even bother checking the cameras? Geez.

rocker_chick23 27

Don't call OP dumb when you can't even use the correct you're.

Why did you get fired and he didn't? He was a part of the relationship.

Couldn't you tell your boss that he wasn't actually dating you or something, and made that up to try and get you in trouble too?

gabby_john_ 15

this is why most places say no dating coworkers

I’m going to say this is both FYL and YDI. Your boyfriend was an immature douche if he thought dating you meant that he can receive special treatment such as no consequences for poor work, and you’re definitely better off without that immature brat since you were just doing your job. However, since you were a supervisor, you should’ve been fully aware of the company’s policy that forbids workplace relationships, and you should’ve obeyed it if you really wanted to keep that job. An incident like this is probably one of the many reasons why most companies don’t allow them in the first place.