By Anonymous - 02/03/2016 05:06 - United States - Miami

Today, at work, man who was buying medicine for his son came up to me for help. He didn't know how to explain it to me, so instead he showed me a picture of a rash on his kid's butthole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 774
You deserved it 1 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Swandive235 27

Well that's a bit disturbing, why does he have a picture of it?? Hopefully he got what he was looking for though.

He couldn't explain what it was. So he took a picture of it to show someone who could help him.


JackDupp 11

I see 3 FMLs here: 1) Having to look at a picture of a rash - infected butthole (like the OP). 2) Having a rash - infected butthole. 3) Having a parent with a picture of said rash - infected) butthole who is willing to show others (even if in a medical context)

It's situations like that where I wish memory wiping was possible.

Why didn't he just take the child to the doctor like a normal sane person? Father of the year....

Why didn't he take the kid to the doctor and get a prescription if he really couldn't describe it? If it was simple enough to be treated with over-the-counter stuff, it could probably have been described with the phrase "he has a rash on his butthole."

If you work in a pharmacy - that's part and parcel of the job. It's not like he stuck the rash bare under your nostrils. If you don't work in a pharmacy, you shouldn't have to give that kind of advice.

*Sees OP is from Florida* That explains a lot...

how do you check location on posts?? (m new to this world)

Sounds like you need some brain bleach! I'd say this is a reminder that while it would be nice to be able to see, being blind has some advantages. ?

How hard was it to say a rash? That's all that had to be said!!!

Yes, because "rash" let's them instantly know what type it is

36- if they want a specific medical diagnosis and treatment rather than, say, a topical cream that treats rashes in general, you go to a DOCTOR. A pharmacist fills prescriptions and can recommend over-the-counter treatments for common ailments. The guy OP was talking about was doing the equivalent of walking into a auto parts store with a picture of his car and asking why it was making a funny noise. Not the place, not the way you diagnose.