By Aginsafa - 25/04/2011 11:41 - United States

Today, at work my boss told me I have been late, under-productive, and using up a lot of sick days. He says my job is on the line. My reason for barely showing up at work: I've been on maternity leave for 6 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 454
You deserved it 3 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You actually can't lose your job for going on maternity leave, go read the job rights poster, as well as any other state and federal laws and/or job policies.

burninnapalm 5

at least he can't fire you then, because if he does, than you can sue him for wrongful termination and never have to work again


Maternity leave is not sick leave. YDI for not knowing the difference. Actually, your boss probably hates you and is looking to get rid of you. Can't say I blame him. New mothers are a pain in the ass.

YDI. Should have told him. Like #88 said, there's a difference between Maternity leave and sick leave, and I agree with #88, new mothers are a pain in the ass, even though I have a wife, but she cooled off when I flipped at her for being a pain in the ass. 6 weeks into your pregnancy? cuz if so, then screw you! 6 weeks is stupid to leave for at the beginning, most maternity leaves in most business' are sometimes roughly starting 2-4 weeks before the due date, and then depending on how long the law or business states you can be on maternity leave is, then so be it. My wife didn't go on maternity leave until she was about 1 month before her due date, then was back at work when my baby was 3-4 months. Btw... when you're sick and pregnant, that sickness is your fault for getting prego, and getting legit sick, usually isn't your fault. I really hope your boss lets you go, you did it to yourself.

make a complaint to your HR department. your boss is a jerk!

crazy_mimi97 0

tell him to get off his high horse. he can't fire you without being sued.

You must have lost all your baby weight - congrats!!

Im happy im a guy...i dont need to worry bout that shit. But that's why he called you inconsiderate, he will never know. Can you fire your boss for being stupid?

cyclonemetal 2

Your boss is a butthurt dweller.

that's gotta be harrassment. people have sued for less. stick it to him

you might have a legal lottery ticket. u should talk to a lawyer