By Anonymous - 02/10/2011 20:35 - United Kingdom

Today, at work, my boss went to the single-stall bathroom on our floor. The next thing I know, I'm on suspension pending review because some asshole left an upper-decker in the toilet. Since I'm the office prankster, all suspicion is now on me. I've been framed by my own colleagues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 926
You deserved it 14 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azcardinals1307 2

I suspect it's because they're tired of your stupid pranks.

Mjwnenrjs 17


stroudie94 9

You may as well go and back one out on the bosses desk now.

2ndSucks 15

You had it coming for you, buddy.

bigAC 6

who else would have "framed" you?

Wait wats an upper decker? Sry if it's a stupid question...

iknowimawesome 13

It's when you take a dump in the tank of the shitter so all of it comes back down when the next person flushes. Pretty sick...

it's f**king hilarious though hahaha

iknowimawesome 13
iknowimawesome 13

I bet it was your boss trying to get you fired.

Fyl for being framed but ydi too because you acknowledge you are the office prankster.

How hard is it to just say "nah I was doing [insert random activity here] with [insert loyal friend willing to lie here] " she says " oh ok im sorry for accusing you"

Due to the fact that you just mentioned how easy that is to do, doesn't that mean that anyone could do it and therefore get them nowhere at all?

dbt88 15

Nobody knows for sure when it was done either...only that it obviously came before the boss's encounter.

Still though, if there is no direct evidence they can't blame OP for that.

Karma in action .. That's all I have to say