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By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 06:46 - United States

Today, at work, we had an extremely rude customer who started cussing at us, and my coworker started cussing back. I jumped on the register to quickly bring down the line, and apologized to everyone for the scene. A secret shopper was in the line and claimed that I was rude. I got written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 918
You deserved it 2 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18
perdix 29

That's why I always carry a little notepad and a pen when I go to a store, look around furtively and mumble into my lapel. They think I'm a secret shopper and treat me like a king.


Secret Shoppers are stupid. More than once they completely lied about me when I was at my old job. And another time a customer told my boss I was sitting down on my phone when she came in. I may have been sitting down but that was because I worked seven hours with no break and my feet were killing me, and I was never on my phone.

desireev 17

There are some secret shoppers who are, most certaintly, crooked. But most of them do their job correctly. I've only ever seen 3 of them. I got good reports and 2 of them got me a pay raise. Moral of the story, if you're doing your job correctly, then you have nothing to worry about. And if you come in contact with a crooked secret shopper, there ARE ways to fight it! Just always do your best! :)

When I worked in retail we always knew who the secret shoppers were and word spread through the store like wildfire. The problem with this was that we all had to stop and kiss that person's ass so that we wouldn't get written up, so we'd be in the middle of a huge sale with a line a mile long and one sales person was tied up giving the SS a guided tour of the department while we were down a person on the register. Every time an SS came into the store, we lost money because someone always had to drop actual work to deal with a pretend shopper's fake sale, while the real customers went unattended to or had to wait so long in line that they put their items down and left in disgust. The worst part was, the secret shoppers would get their asses kissed all day by everyone and still lie and say someone was rude because they thought they had to rip someone to prove they were doing their job.

southerngirl05 3

Sounds like something the autozone company would do im sorry dude that sucks!!!

MrPacMan36 4

do you happen to work at a Circle K? I know we have these new people called mystery shoppers and we're suppose to get on a register if lines are too long. Also just have them review the video of your coworkers altercations.

desireev 17
bigtaytay 13

That's what u get for being a good person in this world today. It's ridiculous