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By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 06:46 - United States

Today, at work, we had an extremely rude customer who started cussing at us, and my coworker started cussing back. I jumped on the register to quickly bring down the line, and apologized to everyone for the scene. A secret shopper was in the line and claimed that I was rude. I got written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 918
You deserved it 2 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18
perdix 29

That's why I always carry a little notepad and a pen when I go to a store, look around furtively and mumble into my lapel. They think I'm a secret shopper and treat me like a king.


Bigboned38 0

Or the customers are sneaky bastard that will argue their way to a free item.

TexasJosh 0

No the customers are not always right. Alot of them use that saying to get what they want from a store... And it works alot of the time, no manager whats an upset customer. I worked at Wal-Mart for 4 years... Seen it way WAY too often.

I had a customer ask me how cheese was made. When I finished summing up the cheese making process she told me I was wrong and that cheese was not made from milk. I think customers do that just to piss you off. Either that or she has a screw loose in her head.

MargieDrury 1

Forgive me, but I wasn't aware those had sound.

MeriTimeKat 0

store cameras often do have sound. My boss i well known to sit in the office and listen to our converstions at the regiiister. If he doesn't like what he hears he will even call the register phone and take a side or tell us to shut up.

without sound it would still be fairly easy to see who was doing what. Even on silent camera video arguments are extremely easy to pick out by observing body language. I been in ops place, helping out and then getting the punishment for it.

MargieDrury 1

Lips, I guess but it can show action and technology these days I think they can come up with something.

mega20913 8

I would've given my boss a good cussing

..except you can't do that? Because you sir, would then be jobless. You lay your dignity down at the door when you step into a job that's in retail.

desireev 17

More like when you step into a job at all.. If you respect your job and your employment, you won't 'give a good cussin''. That's immature and it shows that you don't give a shit about your employment.

Actually it shows you won't take any nonsense. Assuming you've already explained the situation and they refuse to accept your side.

#90 yes and then when you try to get another job that boss would definitely recommend you as an excellent employee. I'd prefer to keep my job and take the hit. It's already hard to find a job with good experience. Being fired and acting like a asshole would be the worst thing you could do.

93, I think it depends on your situation. If you haven't been there long and there is other work available then why would you care? You can quite easily just not use the person as a reference and move on with your life. People need to learn that they don't have to stay in employment that is not treating them fairly - as is obviously the case - and that there are other opportunities around. This said I'm not aware of how the job market is in their area, so it may or may not be the best advice. But if you are able to find another job then it won't impact you at all.

mega20913 8

Except when they're being a total jackass

CrocodilePolice 5

I hope the coworker got written up too. Or else that just totally sucks.

alexicanaaa 7

Stupid people. Ugh. Sorry bro:/