Domestic bliss

By penguinwaddle - 18/06/2021 12:47

Today, I’ve been depressed lately and can’t get motivation to clean. My husband helped me clean, while he continued to complain how I should've done this while I was off work. My depression is from his meth use, dating websites, porn, and lying to me about it for 7 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 395
You deserved it 318

Never Let Go tells us more.

Never Let Go 15

Hi, OP here. This was back in 2021 and at the end of 2023 my husband went to rehab and he is working his steps and becoming a functioning member of society again. Along with back to being the husband I married❤️ things are great now. I did get involved in an ALANON group that has been insightful and very supportive along with friends and family.

Top comments

thatslifeiguess7 16

Find an ALANON group they have them online. Call a battered women hotline. This isn't your fault but you need to get out of there

Nhayaa2.0 17

Not sure why **** is in that list except if he's an addict but, like the others said, if you're a mess because of him, get out. Asap.


thatslifeiguess7 16

Find an ALANON group they have them online. Call a battered women hotline. This isn't your fault but you need to get out of there

Never Let Go 15

Hi, OP here. This was back in 2021 and at the end of 2023 my husband went to rehab and he is working his steps and becoming a functioning member of society again. Along with back to being the husband I married❤️ things are great now. I did get involved in an ALANON group that has been insightful and very supportive along with friends and family.

DoctorPALO 14

If you're still with his ignorant ass after all that....

Suaria 38

Time to get out of this relationship OP. It is not healthy.

Nhayaa2.0 17

Not sure why **** is in that list except if he's an addict but, like the others said, if you're a mess because of him, get out. Asap.

Never Let Go 15

Yes, he was addicted to the ****. Very. However, he’s finally stopped that over a few months time.

I have one word for you...DIVORCE. He isn't going to change, the sooner you get out, the sooner you can work on your own mental health and happiness. I'm speaking from experience.

get off fml and do something about it (like get a divorce)