By danny395 - 13/01/2014 15:37 - United Kingdom
danny395 tells us more.
OP here this is the first time I've had a post accepted so i thought i should elaborate because I hate it when people don't explain. The reason I wasn't wearing glasses is I've been assured by many people that I look pretty stupid in my glasses and I thought it would be best to make a good first impression (I know its vain but I wanted to impress). I also only put one contact lens in so my left eye was fine but my sight is so bad (-6.25 if your'e interested) that i cant see anything at all without my glasses + Im fairly tall and live on the top floor with some crazily steep stairs so its pretty hard to get down in the best of times but a mix of the pain plus bad sight meant i slipped and sent myself into the wall. I realise I should have washed my hands first but i was in a rush and i didn't want to be late, kind of ironic considering I ended up being about an hour late trying to sort out this particular mess. Worse of all I ended up wearing my glasses anyway... In defence I've been assured by my flatmate that the girl is really nice but not very outgoing and quite shy, she didn't really want to be there and I was so late I can understand she left when I arrived looking like I'd been in a couple of MMA fights... And #3 I appreciate you seeing the irony in 'blind' date :)
Top comments
So that's where the forever-alone face comes from!
op i feel bad for you i really do but, real talk, how did you get your eye open enough to get the lens out? because when mine feels weird and my eye is reacting funny to it, i cant even open my eye for long enough to put my fingers in. maybe you can explain how it all went down over dinner?
Hi there, well I've worn contact lenses for years and I've gotten really use to taking them out but this took a while to remove but it wasn't to difficult. It was really just the pain to be honest which was agonising for so long as well and I just didn't want to risk damaging my eye. The 'dinner' was essentially me apologising for being so late and kind of grovelling and her getting very upset that I showed up late looking like I did and that I obviously wasn't trying (she clearly had tried a bit and looked really nice) before she stormed off. We've talked about it now and laughed it of but its certainly not going any further than facebook friends :)
You shoulda worn glasses bro;)
So was an actual blind date then ;)
This is why I don't wear contacts
Aww.. her lost..
Today, OP learned about the importance of washing his hands...
Haha, "blind" date...
That would sting like hell, flush your eyes with water OP for a good 15 mins