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By OvertonHippie - 13/01/2014 12:09 - United States - Corinth

Today, I found out that whenever my ex-wife is late getting the kids to school, she tells them to tell their teachers they were with me, and forges my name on the sign-in sheet. Missing homework? Dad's house. Forgot to bring something important? Ditto. The school thinks I'm a horrible parent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 059
You deserved it 5 366

OvertonHippie tells us more.

What she doesn't realize is that in a school with only 180 students, it's impossible to get away with stuff like that. The principal knows what's up, because we dealt with similar issues last year; I just didn't think I was going to have to schedule meetings with the teachers again about it (outside of the regular parent-teacher conferences, which she attends). I *had* kind of noticed the teachers giving me the stink-eye in the car line lately though.

Top comments

Wow, **** her. Call in and straighten things out, maybe?


Rainhawk94 27

Confront her about it, I bet you would catch her really offguard.

Actually 52, I think dodging a bullet would have been getting away from her before they had a child. Instead of a crazy wife, he's got a crazy ex-wife which he can't ever get rid of. I think he got smacked right in the face with a bullet.

Wow, **** her. Call in and straighten things out, maybe?

Definitely, I'm sure the school would understand. Crazy bitch.

I don't use this word very often but... what a ****

Bulldozer36 21

Now we know why y'all split up. That sucks for you.

If possible. you start taking them to school and do the same thing. If your not one for revenge, then just call and straighten the situation out.

Because that would be very beneficial for the kids.

in case you didn't realize. I said. if he isn't one for revenge. call the school and straighten out the situation.

Are you double spacing? Don't double space!

Nahh my period is really close to the space bar, the N and the M so I accidently press it every now and then.

Go to the school and inform them of what is happening. Give them a copy of your actual hand writing. Nip this in the bud before the bitch uses this against you.

What a great idea. But what if she tells the school that the homework was left at OP's house not writes it?

The handwriting related to her signing them in late using my name. I slightly altered the way I sign my name (I started making my capitals a little more blocky, sign my full legal name instead of first two initials with surname, and stopped lifting the pen between strokes on the suffix) about six months after we got divorced, so if I had to prove in court that she's forging, I'm pretty sure I could. I think everyone should make at least one minor change to the signature every time ID has to be replaced, so you can tell generally when you signed something.

OP, they are able to scientifically tell the difference from your handwriting and hers. How do you think they can tell the difference from authentic celebrity signatures etc. You should go to the school etc. As the commenter suggested! You could even put a camera in your car with a date and time stamp etc on it. Just in case. : seriously FYL that your ex is that immature.

#61 He changed it so they don't have to hire a forensics team to tell the difference. Your right thought, they can use science to tell the difference between hand writing but who the hell is gonna pay for that just so the guy can prove his ex is a bitch?

StillUsesMyspace 22

61, do you really say "etcetera" that often in your real life conversations?

Inform the school of what she's doing. Or you could get sweet revenge by taking the kids to school one day and tell the school their mother was too busy shooting up heroin to do it herself.

that's just grimy. not to mention slander

Whoa, #7, that's waaaay too extreme, man. Are you crazy? It's illegal to just lie and say that, and it makes you a horrible person.

You have no idea how life works do you?

jonnied23 20

I would suggest you do the same , but you don't need to stoop her level

It's a good thing you aren't married anymore. FYL

maybe talk with your kids? tell them that they should tell the truth. I hate when divorced parents involve the kids like this!

Thanks, we had that talk yesterday afternoon. My seven-year-old just about had a come-apart over the whole thing, bless his heart.

What she doesn't realize is that in a school with only 180 students, it's impossible to get away with stuff like that. The principal knows what's up, because we dealt with similar issues last year; I just didn't think I was going to have to schedule meetings with the teachers again about it (outside of the regular parent-teacher conferences, which she attends). I *had* kind of noticed the teachers giving me the stink-eye in the car line lately though.

Well it's a relief the administration is on your side. If they believed her this situation would be a lot tougher to work out. The teachers opinions don't matter cause they're not true anyway. Good luck OP.

Kinda surprising the administration is on your side at all. I guess it being a smaller student body saves you a lot of trouble. I say this because it always seems schools side with the mother no matter what is actually happening.

Maybe its time for a school meeting with the teachers only, even one on one with each teacher with administration informing them of the situation, you don't deserve this. My mum was equally as evil against my decent hardworking dad and even got a false restraining order on him, she also falsified that I had a disability to claim benefits, you need to nip this one in the bud, goodluck OP!

Please get all the documentation you can. She can (and from this behavior probably will) use this if you ever try to get more visitation or if she keeps the kids from you and you fight it. What she is doing is wrong on so many levels, not to mention illegal......I just can't.