By Anonymous - 01/09/2010 04:13 - United States

Today, Burger King gave me a moldy bun. I noticed 1/5 of the way through the sandwich. My compensation for ingesting mold? A coupon for half-off a Whopper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 818
You deserved it 4 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pimparmenian69 0

Mold isn't that bad. Though you can probably file a complaint about them somewhere.


KylAisAmazingG 0

I highily doubt it was moldy. I work at burger king. we toast the buns, therefore...someone looks at them. and we have a color system when to throw away the buns when they are old. the buns are baked fresh before arriving at bk. so I doubt a fresh bun would have mold on it.

KylAisAmazingG 0

I also agree with #42! I don't even think we have xupins for half off the food.

KylAisAmazingG 0

oops coupons* or however it's spelt... :

I work at mcdonalds. Our policy for finding anything in the food that shouldn't be there (caterpillar, mold, plastic, etc.) is to give a refund of the entire order plus a free replacement meal, if they'll accept. This BK and your Micky D's are just cheap as hell.

Djamez 0

ydi for not sueing ingesting moldy burger = bucku bucks u need a lawyer?

That happened to me at Hungry Jacks last week which is the Australian equivalent to Burger King. I decided to finally change my order and tried a grilled chicken burger.. it had some different bun some wholemeal thing and I noticed the bread tasted strange straight away but figured it was coz it was different.. about halfway in I noticed a mouldy spot on the bottom of the bun.. I didn't notice before coz I wrap my burgers in the paper while I eat so it doesn't fall apart so there's reasons u wouldnt see it... They were going to swap it but I changed burgers figuresd the whopper bread sees more turnover >< NEVER CHANGE UR ORDER! Oh and it's not just penicillin you can get botulinum.. the girls from the crucible were addled from eating mouldy bread... Burger King will cause us all to burn people at the stake!

That rye argot rumor has been mostly discredited, actually. The entire village, or at least the girls' families, would've shown similar signs of poisoning, since they all ate the same things. The witch trials were likely caused by socio-political tension, cultural bias, and mass hysteria. The religious beliefs about uncertain salvation set up a perfect storm for overreaction. Why yes, as a matter of fact, my book club did just read "The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane." ;)

certain times of mold are known to cause cancer. YDI for eating fast food!

The people saying that eating mold is OK because that's where penicillin comes from have REALLY misunderstood how pharmacology works. Aspirin is derived from a willow bark extract, but that doesn't mean eating any old bits of tree will cure a headache.

write to head office to complain! always gets u more than in store lol