By willconqueror1 - 22/09/2014 14:25 - United States

Today, coming home from a trip in the mountains, I got a cracked radiator and my car overheated. My dad came to get me, he drove my car and I followed in his. I got pulled over and ticketed for his expired registration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 272
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XBurytheCastleX 25

At least he came to get you... He didn't have to...


they can't charge you, the ticket will be sent in the mail to your dad, if the cop put that the vehicle is registered to you on the ticket, go to traffic court, fight the ticket, show that the cop messed up and that the car is not yours, the judge will dismiss the whole thing.

Of course they can charge you. As a driver, you ALWAYS have to make sure the vehicle you are driving is in good order. That INCLUDES the paperwork. You are also responsible if something happens and you didn't check if the car was even insured for example. Although, I would make dad pay if it happens, because it is his fault, but you can't set aside at least part of the blame if something is wrong and you didn't check.

Breh. Simply show some ID along with the registration for the car, and the copper should see that the names don't match up.