By willconqueror1 - 22/09/2014 14:25 - United States

Today, coming home from a trip in the mountains, I got a cracked radiator and my car overheated. My dad came to get me, he drove my car and I followed in his. I got pulled over and ticketed for his expired registration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 272
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XBurytheCastleX 25

At least he came to get you... He didn't have to...


While it did suck for OP to be the one who got pulled over, it is not a moving violation (doesn't go to insurance). His dad simply just has to renew it, and there should be a fairly cheap dismissal fee that, yes, his father should have to pay.

XBurytheCastleX 25

At least he came to get you... He didn't have to...

Yeah, I thought the FML would be that her dad never showed up

exactly! this FML could've been way worse

Hopefully your dad will at least help you pay for the ticket

Help? Hopefully he'll pay the whole ticket. Wasn't OP's car, whether he went to help OP or not.

That's why I said "at least help"...obviously it would be preferable if he paid the whole thing but sometimes parents aren't fair

AnOriginalName 19

The registration stickers on the license plate are color-coded for the year, so it's fairly simple to look at the sticker color to determine if the registration is out of date. Edit: dammit, sorry that was meant as a reply to #7.

I got a ticket for an expired registration in high school. It was "my" car but it was registered to my dad. Not only did I have to pay for the ticket, but I got a big stupid lecture about not making sure the car registration was renewed on time, even though HE was the one who received the notice in the mail. Then I was made to go to the DMV to renew the registration. I waited for over an hour, only to find out that my dad was the only one who could renew the registration. You'd think my dad, a man who was over 50 years old at the time, would know better. Yeah, I'm still a little bitter about it.

How did the cop see your expired registration if you were driving? unless he has super human bionic eyes, you got pulled over for another reason.

TanzWolf 26

Or the cop could know the license plate - they keep a record of who is and who isn't registered at the time.

#7, the registration stickers are colored coded for the year. So most likely the sticker was the color for the previous year.

ah, my state makes you put it on your window, not your plate.

As far as I know, when an officer runs your tag number on his computer he is able to see when it was last registered, along with other details about your vehicle.

Damn, talk about bad luck. Ask your dad, maybe he will pay you back for the ticket, or split it with you. And on the bright side at least you weren't stranded out there and he came and got you. I'd rather the ticket than being stuck up in the mountains.

that's one messed up situation FYL indeed.

now i see why cars and bitches go well together

rocker_chick23 27

No wonder you're single. No self respecting woman would date you.