By willconqueror1 - 22/09/2014 14:25 - United States

Today, coming home from a trip in the mountains, I got a cracked radiator and my car overheated. My dad came to get me, he drove my car and I followed in his. I got pulled over and ticketed for his expired registration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 272
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XBurytheCastleX 25

At least he came to get you... He didn't have to...


TanzWolf 26

Can't you just tell the cop that it isn't your car and you're driving it for your dad? If he drove out to help you he's surely nearby to help. Unless he blew you off. Then FYL, OP

Policeman hear that all the time do you think he will make an exception for no notable reason?

TanzWolf 26

I'm saying if his dad came to help him, he'd be driving right in front of his son and stop back to see what the problem was. If he didn't ditch him there that is.

christina3466 17

I would have just walked home from there.

Radiators aren't that expensive nor hard to install (on most vehicles). And driving without registration is a moderate ticket, but if you go to a shop, the ticket is probably the cheaper end...

Your Father got lucky, you...not so much. You can always ask him to pay it.

If you're in NC, just get it inspected and renew the tag before the court date, then take it to the DA of the county you got ticketed in any they'll dismiss it. Been there done that :)

The part I don't get is why you switched cars. Unless he's mechanically minded and wanted to listen for broken-car noises or something.

My car had a problem with the brakes once, and I was scared to drive it home in fear that I'd be going down a hill and wouldn't be able to brake. My dad was more comfortable driving it and using the ebrake, so he drove it home for me.

brendejafulable 41

I bet he was laughing his ass off.