By Speechless - 18/03/2015 08:37 - United States - San Luis Obispo

Today, during an exam, the guy next to me tried to cheat by looking at my test but was caught by the proctor. His defense was that no one would ever cheat off me. The proctor agreed and allowed him to finish the test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 550
You deserved it 6 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go back and say it doesn't matter if anyone would usually, you know for a fact they were sitting there looking at your paper while writing the test, that he was cheating, and that there should be consequences for it.

Rosebudx 32

Turn that proctor in. Completely unprofessional.


ThePandoricaOpen 18

Judging by the fact that OP said "Proctor" im going to guess that this was some standardized test like the SAT or ACT. Those tests have sections, yoi can't (not supposed to), go back and work on a section once the time for that section is up, and the tests are collwcted in one fell swoop at the end, regardless if the taker has completed it, or not. So that stategy wouldn't work here.

a) at least he thinks you're smart, if not he wouldn't be cheating off you and the first place and b) the proctor was just being unprofessional, don't get affected

Wow, I'd never thought I'd get something posted here! The guy that cheated off of me isn't the brightest kid and has been struggling. He's lazy and I doubt he'll go far in life sadly. As for the proctor, apparently a friend of mine that was still taking the exam after I left said when the cheater turned in his exam, the proctor wrote a long note and attached it to his exam. Also we apparently had different versions but we couldn't tell during the test.

Even if the proctor wrote a long note on the exam of the cheater, I still think the proctor and the cheater were rude to you. If you say that the cheater isn't the brightest guy then you probably don't care to much about what he said so that's not important. But the proctor has an important exemplary role as an adult, so I would have a talk with him. Because maybe he didn't mean to be rude, but it definitely came across that way.

My whole class cheats except a minimum of people and we call it 'team work'

ouch...... I hope you do better than him when you get your results

report the proctor. go to the principal or school board