By mrosewrosem - 13/02/2014 11:54 - United Kingdom - Aldershot

Today, during an important exam, I had a huge panic attack and had to run out of the exam hall. Everyone saw me, and now everywhere I go, people keep pretending to have a panic attack and run away from me. I have to spend two more years with these assholes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 845
You deserved it 7 533

mrosewrosem tells us more.

Hey guys, this was actually me before I signed up for an account. Thanks for all the supportive messages, you guys rock! You're right, anxiety is a bitch! All those who said YDI, no-one deserves anxiety or any other mental disorder... just like no-one deserves any illness eg. cancer.

Top comments

I'm really sorry OP, panic attacks is not something you can control and they should know that. I really hope you are feeling better ;)

That really really sucks, I go through the same thing in the mornings. I haven't had a social life for the past two years and I dropped out of highschool in the tenth grade because of it never been to school again. Social anxiety is a bitch, FYL OP I feel your pain.


take it as positive criticism. . use their laughs to spur u on and overcome ur anxiety.. its your life you are in control, dont let them put u down

I have panic attacks all the time and they're horrid, I'm so sorry OP. My classmates are sympathetic but I think my tutor just sees them as an excuse. Sometimes I pass out though, that would be a pretty elaborate excuse! I'm sure everything will die down soon though. People (assholes) get bored easily.

Nothing to fear but fear itself, so I've been told.

The joke usually dies down after a couple if weeks so it probably won't happen for a whole 2 years, but sorry OP FYL

delamer 8

Wow, what is wrong with people. Panic attacks like this are from an anxiety disorder. They usually happen in the blink of an eye and can't be controlled very easily when they start. They almost always include hyperventilation and are VERY scary to go through. They are different from general anxiety. It sounds like your classmates and some of the people making comments on this FML are not very informed. I am very sorry, OP.

It's life life sucks at times yes , but always think positive and brush those people off.

Animeisthebest1 14

This sounds like high school. Ah... Horrible days -_-

If its not colleg i would suggest switchif schools one the years over if its that bad

jmann8811 15

Don't worry they'll forget soon

Omg wtf! I had an important exam too today and a huge panick attack. I felt like in a dream. But i tried my best not to run away. It was horrible...i feel u man...