By ThatSped - 18/02/2016 03:22 - Canada - Moncton

Today, during class, a girl had suggested how I, a 16 year-old guy, would be a high maintenance girlfriend. We sat and debated this, allowing for other people to listen in and agree with her, and eventually the entire class agreed with her. Even the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 958
You deserved it 4 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like a high maintenance girlfriend would complain about being called that and post on FML to make it seem like they are being attacked

Well, would you be a high maintenance girlfriend? Also that sounds like a chill relaxed environment. Take it as a joke and laugh about it. (:


I fail to see why this is inherently surprising. Are you insinuating that guys cannot be high-maintenance? Because that's blatantly untrue. Without anything but this post to go on (which is obviously far too little data to base a decision on) I might be tempted to agree with her.

well telling a guy they would be a "high maintenance girlfriend" does sound weird. Had they said boyfriend in place of girlfriend it wouldn't have been as weird

Sounds like you'd be a high maintenance boyfriend - and just fit into the stereotype of the high maintenance girlfriend.

BDA_fml 5

You kind of do sound like a whinny little bitch.....

You got into a debate about this that involved your entire class. You are a high maintenance girlfriend. A normal guy wouldn't give a shit what anyone else thinks.

...You have an interesting definition of normal. I'd say it's normal for ANYONE to care what other people thinks of them, guy or girl. We're social creatures. It's an inherent part of our nature. Misanthropy is generally an aberration.

I feel you so hard. all my friends agree that I'm the same and i'm 19

I don't see why she would say girlfriend if you're a guy but I was told I'm a high maintenance guy and that it's not a bad thing. Obviously I wasn't happy about it either way but just ignore it

So what she's saying is that you would be the BMW of girlfriends. That's not too bad.

Hello :) I'm French! Could you explain to me what "high maintenance gf" means? Sorry, it's a weird expression ^^

joy090 1

In the US, a high maintenance girlfriend needs a lot of attention. They are a lot of "work". It's like having a high maintenance car-- one that requires special fuel, special order tires, etc. It can often mean that the girlfriend has expensive tastes, needs lot of gifts to be happy, insists on lots of restaurants, etc. Or it can have nothing to do with money, but they could be very demanding in other ways (refuses to drive, insists on a lot of compliments, you always have to do what they want.)

Thank you very much! I thought she needed repairs... But repair a girlfriend is an unusual circumstance haha :) You're kind :)