By Wtf - 03/11/2015 22:06

Today, during dinner, my boyfriend slowly walked up next to me, got on one knee, and in one movement pointed at my feet and shouted, "WHAT ARE THOSE?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 750
You deserved it 3 510

Same thing different taste


Ugh just hearing this pisses me off I deal with this at school it's old and boring

he's pulling your leg and teasing you laugh it off

Kevinmeowbeanz 22

You should have shouted "THESE ARE MY SKECHERS!!!"

I think I might have dumped the OP's boyfriend if I were in her shoes. I never found that vine to be funny. IMO, it was a terrible setup for a terrible joke. And I usually hate people that use Internet slang and memes IRL.

Indianboy9321 25

Yet you use "IMO" and "IRL", what a hypocrite. Learn to lighten up and live a little.

pacman490 21

That's so great. I hope someone got a video of it.

Come on, that's hilarious! Besides, he is probably trying to figure out how you feel about being proposed to without having to ask directly