Lower your expectations

By franky - 25/03/2013 21:45 - Germany - Brunswick

Today, at a romantic dinner my boyfriend was treating me to, the waiter brought a "Will you marry me?" cake out, with candles and sparklers. I probably should have checked that they'd brought it to the right table before dramatically screaming ,"Yes!" and jumping into my boyfriend's arms. They hadn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 126
You deserved it 7 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least your boyfriend knows what you'll say if he ever asks.

Did the couple the cake was intended for at least give you a slice?


Well at least your boyfriend knows what you'll say if he ever asks.

wlddog 14

It all depends on how OP handled the mistake here. If they just laughed it off, then nothing is really an FML here. Everyone likes their girlfriend to have a sense of humor and even be able to laugh at them-self. However, if OP did not take it well, and showed an inability to laugh at themselves, then it showed an immature person that no one would want to be around. Then it would be an FML for the boyfriend, and OP is most likely too immature and self centered.

misataylor86 10

Maybe not following the awkwardness from the rest of the meal & ride home...

error404n0tf0und 21

Did the couple the cake was intended for at least give you a slice?

That wasn't your fault. The waiter messed up.

Did he? I kinda get the impression that the cake wasn't delivered to any table yet. Perhaps she said "yes" while the cake was still getting walked through the aisle?

That's embarrassing but I wouldn't say it's the end of the world, hey if you do ever get married you can laugh about this moment. And if it doesn't work out and you both don't get married, well at least you've saved yourself a broken engagement/divorce. Chin up :)

Wizardo 33

Well at least it shows you have a healthy relationship and what you think about your boyfriend, don't worry OP I'm sure when its your turn your bf will make your life :)

Awkward... But sorry that the waiters made the mistake op that sucks

Well the girl it was intended for won't be surprised. I bet that guy is pissed.

MagicGiraffe 12

Hopefully it will motivate him to ask the same question himself! Best of luck OP.

Then the waiter complained about only receiving a $9 tip, right?! Such nerve.